The mountain vistas of the Himalayas in Nepal are so fantastic that there are some days when you are trekking in Nepal that you will barely put your camera away. Many people are worried that they will run down the batteries in their camera over the period of their trek. They are right to be concerned but there are ways around this problem, it is not necessary to take tonnes of spare batteries. When trekking in Nepal most tea houses/guest houses have electricity or solar power. You are able to charge your camera batteries and phones there. Be warned there can often be a queue. Expect to pay around US$2-3 for this service.
Snapping away at Mount Ama Dablam in Nepal.
The tea houses may have some plug adaptors but it a good idea to take your own. The power sockets in Nepal either take 2 round pins or 3 large round pins. I would recommend buying a worldwide adaptor then you always have the right plug wherever you travel. You can also get ones that include a USB port. Another option is to purchase a Powermonkey which you charge from a socket before you leave on a trek. It then stores this power and you can use it to charge your devices a couple of times whilst you are trekking in Nepal. However, the stored power won't last for more than a few charges. There are solar panels on these portable chargers but these cannot be relied upon as they seem to take days to charge even just a little bit.
Round 3 pin plug.
Round 2 pin plug.
Handy Hint - Try to keep your batteries warm as the cold rapidly drains them of life. At night keep them in your sleeping bag and, by day if it is very cold keep your camera and spare batteries on your person, inside your down jacket. For any more information about trekking in Nepal, Everest Base Camp or any other trip we offer, please do not hesitate to get in touch with us here at Macs Adventure.